Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Hidden sign

In looking over the signage at the library today, I found one taped to the entrance to the Library that I have overlooked. And I know most other people have, as well!

The sign said:

Attention Parents (Safety concerns)

and then in about 14 point font:

We are not responsible for unattended children!
You must watch your children at all times while they are in the children's area..

Children under 12 years of age without a parent to watch them will be sent home.

Followed by a picture of a doll and the logo of the library.

(at least it didn't say we would call the police or DCF!)

Now, as everyone knows, what is the single most oft heard complaint at the library?

Besides fines.

Right, running children.

So, I 'dusted' off the sign, pulled it off the window, and re-did it in about 26-point font, and changed some of the words:

Parents must STAY WITH their children while they are in the LIBRARY.

And posted about three more copies throughout the library.

Will it work? Who knows. But at least now I can say "It's clearly posted at the entrance and in the children's area and in the Computer Lab!".

"The Director"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck with it! I must admit, you're more daring than I am, but then I'm not interested in public libraries and dealing with children scares me. Keep us posted.